This blog is a great way to communicate with my Digital Imaging & Graphic Design students and others interested
in this great art form. "Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being... creativity requires
passion and comm
itment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness
what was previously hidden and points to new life.
The experience is one of heightened consciousness."
~ Rollo May, "The Courage to Create"

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Yes! Time flies! It's hard to believe we are already on our 4th Quarter. This quarter, you will have two main exercises (the National Poetry Month Poster and the Vision Board exercises). After these you will start working on your Final Project (in lieu of a Final Exam). The Final Project consists of 10 parts, please check below and check Google Classroom.

In Google Classroom you will find the instructions as well as a Rubric, a PDF with a "sample project" and a PDF reviewing the project. For the Logo, the Poster, the Magazine Ad, the Newspaper Ad and the Billboard Ad, you will have different entries in Google Classroom to upload these items there. The Final Project (in PDF) MUST be uploaded under the Final Project entry.

Make sure the logo is in PNG form (to preserve the transparency). You will add the logo on your products, the poster, the ads and everywhere! You could have two: a simple one and one with the name of the company.

Read all the instructions carefully. Check below or Google Classroom for the instructions. ¡GRACIAS!

This is your Final Project and it is divided in 10 parts. You have SIX WEEKS to complete this project - so organize yourselves well to complete all the required sections (CHECK THE PDF AND THE RUBRIC ATTACHED IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM).

1. LOGO: What kind of company are you creating? In my example I created a sportswear company (you can do this or come up with a different company - let me know what you are planning to do). Think of a name for your company (get ideas online) and come up with a LOGO (the simpler the better), that you will create in Photoshop. Once your logo is ready, convert it to a PNG (with a transparent background) which at the end you will put it in a Word or Pages Document (like the PDF in Google Classroom) and you will tell me about your company. You could have two logos, 1) simple one to put on your clothing; 2) one with the company name spelled out besides the graphic. Save both as PNG's.

2. SLOGAN: Come up with a slogan for your company, a short phrase that you can use to advertise your products. You will add your slogan in your final document (like in the PDF attached).

3. YOUR COMPANY AND ITS PRODUCTS: Tell me more about your company and your products. Look at the PDF!

4. TAGS & BAGS: You will create tags in Photoshop that you can use for your clothing and shopping bags with your logo (slogan optional). Convert to JPEG's to add to your document later. Look at the PDF!

5. POSTER: You will create a poster (11" x 17" - 200 Resolution) - You MUST add your LOGO somewhere in the poster and it must be professional-looking. Convert to a JPEG. Look at my example in the PDF attached!

6. MAGAZINE AD: You will create a whole page Magazine Ad (of course the size depends on the size of the magazine). Research sizes - you can use the same poster but you must adjust the size, since the poster is much longer (which means you can move all the layers used in your poster to another Photoshop document and just adjust it). I used 9” x 11.74” - you can use 9” W x 11 or 12” H. Convert to a JPEG when done. Check the PDF attached, PLEASE!

7. NEWSPAPER AD: You will create a full-page or a half-page newspaper ad. The Philadelphia Inquirer is 11” x 22” full page size, you can use the poster and add 5” at the bottom to add extra information about your company, sales, etc. or create a half-page 11” x 11”. Convert to a JPEG. Ask for assistance if you need it and check the PDF attached.

8. BILLBOARD AD: I used 14” x 30” - normally Billboards are very large, 14 feet x 48 feet. A good size for this project is the one I used, but feel free to make it a bit smaller. The important thing when you create a Billboard is that it has to be attractive, it must attract the attention of people, and be simple, with essential information and easy to read. Convert to a JPEG when done.

9. SAMPLES OF PRODUCTS: You will create samples of your products (at least 4). You can find clothing online (sports blouses, pants, shorts, etc. and add your logo to them, and then place them in your Word Document or Pages Document). You can use the Warp or Perspective option under Edit > Transform > Warp or Perspective to change your logo and fit it properly on your clothing line.

10. COVER FOR PROJECT AND FINAL DOCUMENT: You will create a Cover for your Project (check PDF attached) - It must have the Title: FINAL PROJECT, Digital Imaging & Graphic Design, your LOGO, your name or names, May 2017. Add the titles: 1. Logo (add your logo as a JPEG); 2. Slogan (add your slogan); 3. Company & Products... etc. CHECK THE PDF ATTACHED AND THE RUBRIC TO GUIDE YOURSELVES. You will download the document as a PDF in Google Classroom (under Final Project). Ask me for assistance.

EVERYTHING (YOUR PHOTOSHOP DOCUMENTS) MUST BE CONVERTED TO JPEG's (or PNG for the Logo(s)! Keep EVERYTHING organized in a Folder with the name "Final Project." I will check that you did this - I don't want you to tell me you lost your work. Also, download EVERYTHING in your GOOGLE DRIVE! THANK YOU!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 

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